QA consulting services

The Software Quality Assurance Process Made Easy


Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is the process of analyzing and testing software performance over a period of time. SQA uses specific tools and tests to assess software performance. In this blog, we explain the SQA process for a better understanding and then throw light on how the SQA process takes place.

How to define SQA?

Software Quality Assurance is a process by which we assess whether software engineering processes, activities, and methods are complying with the set defined standards. Is the system performing to its original objectives? We can call it an assessment tool to monitor software performance. Its significance can be understood by thinking of a variety of software we use in our daily lives. From office attendance software to mobile phones and other Point of Sale (PoS) technologies, we have software everywhere. So, the process through which the performance of these software is tested is what we call the SQA process.

The SQA Process

The Software Quality Assurance Process is very detailed and rigorous to ensure a comprehensive test of software. It normally consists of the following four features:

  • Planning (brainstorming about how the SQA process will take place, which engineering activities to consider, which talent combination to use, etc.)
  • Doing (development of the process, followed by its testing, evaluating the quality of the project through different checkpoints).
  • Checking (monitoring and modifying the whole process, through Product Evaluation and Process Monitoring, to test whether the software fulfills the pre-implementation objectives).
  • Acting (implement the whole process if all three steps are thoroughly reviewed, tested, and understood).

Planning → Doing → Checking → Acting 

To bring it all together, SQA brings efficiency and productivity for different software. It is necessary to go through the SQA process as it saves time in the long term and improves the overall performance of your business enterprise. If you want to know more about the SQA process and require consultation, reach out to Comstar USA for more details.

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